Model A and B Long Blocks
​All Long Block Rebuilds Include:
Clean and magnaflux block and crankshaft
Bake and airless blast block, resurface, bore cylinders, install hard valve seats, rebabbitt, alignbore
Grind and fit crankshaft
Rebabbitt connecting rods, regrind camshaft
New pistons, rings, stainless steel valves, guides, adjustable tappets, valve springs and timing gears
Clean, magnaflux and resurface cylinder head
Rebuild oil pump assembly
New oil pump drive gear, head studs and nuts, manifold studs/washers/nuts, crankshaft pulley and ratchet
Beadblast and hand paint all covers, head and block with Ford engine green paint
Spray oil pan, oil fill tube and oil return tube black
Assemble engine after painting, using new oil pan bolts, valve cover bolts and timing cover bolts with proper finish.
*All pricing is assuming customer will supply good rebuildable cores that do not require additional repairs or replacement for rebuild or exchange. If no cores are supplied, a core charge of $1,200.00 will be added.
**Not included in long block prices are crack repair (customer risk), repair of broken head studs and cylinder sleeving. Any core repairs needed will be charged as required
*** Below we list some packages that we offer. We are also happy to discuss a custom build with your preferred options. Please call or email to discuss this.
Stock Long Block
Babbitted Main Bearings
Stock Cylinder Head
Balance Crankshaft, Connecting Rods and Pistons
Stock Crankshaft
Fiber Cam Gear (Can switch to aluminum, if desired)
Stock Camshaft
Cam Bearings (To get rid of wear in block caused by camshaft)
Machine for Oversized Tappets (To get rid of wear in block caused by tappets)
Add On Options:
Total Seal Gapless Rings $125.00
Lightened Flywheel with V8 Pressure Plate (balanced to your engine) $525.00
New Clutch Disc $45.00
Counterbalanced Crankshaft $595.00
New 5.5:1 Cylinder Head $399.00
Touring Long Block with Babbitt Bearings
Babbitt Main Bearings
Total Seal Gapless Rings
New 5.5:1 Cylinder Head
Balance Crankshaft, Connecting Rods and Pistons
Counterbalanced Crankshaft
Fiber Cam Gear (Can switch to aluminum, if desired)
Performance Intake Valves
Touring Grind Camshaft
Cam Bearings (To get rid of wear in block caused by camshaft)
Machine for Oversized Tappets (To get rid of wear in block caused by tappets)
Optional: Lightened flywheel with V8 pressure plate and new clutch disc balanced to your engine: $570.00
Touring Long Block with Insert Bearings
Modern Insert Bearings
New Inserted Connecting Rod Upgrade
Total Seal Gapless Rings
New 5.5:1 Cylinder Head
Balance Crankshaft, Connecting Rods and Pistons
Counterbalanced Crankshaft
Fiber Cam Gear (Can switch to aluminum, if desired)
Performance Intake Valves
Touring Grind Camshaft
Cam Bearings (To get rid of wear in block caused by camshaft)
Machine for Oversized Tappets (To get rid of wear in block caused by tappets)
Optional: Lightened flywheel with V8 pressure plate and new clutch disc balanced to your engine: $570.00